1.1 LOAD
1.1.1 Many users requesting a certain page at the sametime or using the site simultaneously
1.1.2 Increase the number of users and keep the dataconstant
1.1.3 Does the home page load quickly? within 8 seconds
1.1.4 Is load time appropriate to content, even on aslow dial-in connection?
1.1.5 Can the site sustain long periods of usage bymultiple users?
1.1.6 Can the site sustain long periods of continuoususage by 1 user?
1.1.7 Is page loading performance acceptable over modemsof different speeds?
1.1.8 Does the system meet its goals for response time,throughput, and availability?
1.1.9 Have you defined standards for response time (i.e.all screens should paint within 10 seconds)?
1.1.10 Does the system operate in the same way acrossdifferent computer and network configurations, platforms and environments, withdifferent mixes of other applications?
1.2.1 Increase the data by having constant users
1.2.2 Will the site allow for large orders withoutlocking out inventory if the transaction is invalid?
1.2.3 Can the site sustain large transactions withoutcrashing?
1.3.1 Increase both number of users and the data
1.3.2 Performance of memory, CPU, file handling etc.
1.3.3 Error in software, hardware, memory errors(leakage, overwrite or pointers)
1.3.4 Is the application or certain features going to beused only during certain periods of time or will it be used continuously 24hours a day 7 days a week? Test that the application is able toperform during those conditions. Will downtime be allowed or is that out of thequestion?
1.3.5 Verify that the application is able to meet therequirements and does not run out of memory or disk space.
1.4.1 Is confidentiality/user privacy protected?
1.4.2 Does the site prompt for user name and password?
1.4.3 Are there Digital Certificates, both at server andclient?
1.4.4 Have you verified where encryption begins andends?
1.4.5 Are concurrent log-ons permitted?
1.4.6 Does the application include time-outs due toinactivity?
1.4.7 Is bookmarking disabled on secure pages?
1.4.8 Does the key/lock display on status bar forinsecure/secure pages?
1.4.9 Is Right Click, View, Source disabled?
1.4.10 Are you prevented from doing direct searches byediting content in the URL?
1.4.11 If using Digital Certificates, test the browserCache by enrolling for the Certificate and completing all of the requiredsecurity information.