- String - Data Structure or Data Type?
- String Operations
- Comparison
- Sorting
- Concatenation
- Practice Problems
- Reverse A String ( Blue Sky -> ykS eulB )
- Reverse String Word By Word ( Blue Sky -> eulB ykS )
- Print Words of String in Reverse ( Blue Sky -> Sky Blue )
- Find Missing Alphabets In Sentence (Pangram)
- Find Length Of String Without Using Length Function
- Verify String is Palindrome or Not
- Count Occurrences of Each Character in a String
- Find Duplicate Characters In A String
- Find First Repeated Word
- Find All Repeated Words In Text File And Their Occurrences
- Replace SubString
- Check If Two Strings Are Anagram
- Trim Multiple Spaces From A String
- Sort List of Strings
- Remove All Vowels From String
- Remove Junk/Special Characters from String
- Find Position Of Character In String
- Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters
- Check if strings are rotations of each other or not
- Given String is a valid shuffle of two strings or not
- Given string is shuffled substring of another string
- Count and Say / count-and-say / look-and-say sequence
- Longest Palindrome SubString
- Print all subsequences of a string
- Find The Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Find The Longest Substring Of A Given String Containing K Distinct Characters
- Split the binary string into substrings with equal number of 0s and 1s
- Parenthesis Checker / Balanced Brackets
- Minimum number of bracket reversals needed to make an expression balanced
- Minimum number of swaps for bracket balancing
- Convert a Sentence into its equivalent mobile numeric keypad sequence
- Count All Palindromic Subsequence in a given String
- Search a Word in a 2D Grid of characters
- Count of number of given string in 2D character array
- Converting Roman Numerals to Decimal
- Longest Common Prefix
- Number of flips to make binary string alternate
- Find the first repeated word in string
- Generate all possible valid IP addresses from given string
- Rearrange characters in a string such that no two adjacent are same
- Minimum characters to be added at front to make string palindrome
- Group Anagrams / Given a sequence of words, print all anagrams together
- Find the smallest window that contains all characters of string
- Find the smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string
- Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates
- String matching where one string contains wildcard characters
- Find Number of customers who could not get a computer
- Transform One String to Another using Minimum Number of Given Operation
- Check if Two given Strings are Isomorphic to each other
- Recursively print all sentences that can be formed from list of word lists
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