- What is Spring?
- Benefits of Spring Framework
- Spring Core
- Overview
- DI (Dependency Injection)
- IOC (Inversion of Control)
- AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Beans
- Annotations
- Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Overview
- Core Concepts
- Aspect
- Join Point
- Advice
- Pointcut
- Target Object
- AOP proxy
- Weaving
- Advice Types
- Before Advice
- After Advice
- After Returning Advice
- After Throwing Advice
- Around Advice
- Spring MVC
- Overview
- Servlets
- Architecture
- Components
- Spring Boot
- Overview
- Features
- Auto Configuration
- Embedded Server
- Starter Dependencies
- Actuator
- Simplified Configuration
- Developer Tools
- Easy Integration with Spring Ecosystem
- Spring Data
- Overview
- Features
- Repository Abstraction
- Automatic Query Generation
- Entity Management
- Transaction Management
- Pagination and Sorting
- Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
- Spring JDBC
- Spring MongoDB
- Spring Batch
- Overview
- Job Repository
- Job launcher
- Step
- Item Reader
- Item Processor
- Item Writer
- Spring Security
- Overview
- Concepts
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Access Control
- Form Authentication
- Session Management vs Stateless
- OAuth2
- Login/Logout/Remember Me
- Authentication Types
- Basic
- In-Memory
- Form Based
- OAuth2
- OpenID Connect
- Session Management
- Controlling Sesssion
- Concurrent Session
- Central Session Management
- Session Management using Database
- Session Management using Redis
- Granted Authority vs Role
- Spring Cloud
- Overview
- Features
- Service Discovery and Registration
- Configuration Management
- Circuit Breakers
- Load Balancing
- Distributed Tracing and Monitoring
- API Gateway and Routing
- Stream Processing
- Global Locks
- Spring Session
- Overview
- Benefits of Spring Session
- Supported Store Types
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Hazelcast
- Spring Kafka
- Overview
- Common Annotations
- @SpringBootApplication
- @EnableAutoConfiguration
- @SpringBootConfiguration
- @ImportAutoConfiguration
- @AutoConfigureBefore
- @AutoConfigureAfter
- @AutoConfigureOrder
- @Repository
- @Scheduled
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping
- @Autowired
- @Model
- @ModelAndView
- @RequestParam
- @RequestHeader
- @Component
- @ComponentScan
- @RestController
- @RequestBody
- @ResponseBody
- @ResponseStatus
- @PathVariable
- @GetMapping
- @PostMapping
- @ControllerAdvice
- @ExceptionHandler
- Spring Recipes
- Building CRUD APIs
- Authentication with Spring
- Communicating Via WebSockets
- Automation Database Migration - FlyWay
- Unit Testing with Mockito
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