Giving Your Software Testing Practice an Automation Advantage

We see a lot many IT services being provided in a conventional manner, software testing being one of them. This is happening due to lack of exposure to the latest technologies, new methods and benefits attached with them.

In software testing space, there is a buzz about test automation everywhere. However, several companies being new to this are interrogating its capabilities to cater to complete requirements for delivering right software testing services to clients. Some expectations of companies in terms of software testing :

  • Provide a parallel testing environment to keep pace with the rapid application development framework
  • Short software release lifecycles and timely sign-offs
  • Test & Regress as much as possible
  • Ability to test on multiple environments such as QA, staging and production
  • Up-to-date availability of documents for every process, defect or activity

Test Automation has an ability to cater to all these aspects over and above overcoming the drawbacks of manual testing such as time consuming workflows, tedious testing cycle, heavy investments in human resources, etc. Since automation testing is all about executing test cases using automation tool without human intervention, it is faster and error-free. It also ensures consistency, provides re-usability of test cases and gives reliable results. Companies still deliberating for adopting automation testing can count on the following grounds :

  • Time saver – Automation testing is surely a time saver since it can run a number of test cases simultaneously
  • Easy Learning Curve – One can learn to perform automated testing in no time. Testers who are reluctant to invest time in learning before they get labeled as a productive test engineer can certainly opt for automation testing
  • Zero Coding – Automation testing requires no programming skills or code development experience
  • Scalable – Test automation provides highly re-usable script architecture with simple editing capability
  • Efficiency – Provides increased efficiency by reducing human errors
  • Economical – Concluding factor as the initial cost of ownership and further infrastructure requirements always counted