Performance Test Plan

Before executing any performance test, we should prepare a performance test plan. A good performance plan makes us prepare to look into foreseen issues and risks. Even a good performance plan can also give fair idea of goal or objective of performance test.

A good performance test plan should cover at least below mentioned points:

1. Overview

- Objective
- Scope
- References

2. Requirements

- Hardware
- Software
- Automation tools
- Test Environment

3. Approach

- Script Development
- Load Criteria
- Test Execution
- Status and Issue Reporting

4. Performance Deliverables

- Test Plan
- Primary Test Report
- Status Report (Daily or Periodic)
- Final Test Report

5. Resources Planning and Scheduling

- Application Learning Schedule
- Test Case creation Schedule
- Test Execution Schedule
- Equipment Gathering Schedule (including automation tools and system /devices)
- Resource Allocation

6. Metrics

- Transactions per second (TPS)
- Hits per second
- Concurrent connections
- Throughput

7. Entry and Exit Criteria

8. Assumption

9. Risk Assessment

- Resource Risk
- Technology Risk
- Schedule Risk

10. Limitations