
Malicious software (malware) is any software that gives partial to full control of the system to the attacker/malware creator. Various forms of Malware are listed below :

Viruses - Virus, a self inserting copies of itself into other computer programs into data file or the boot sector of the hard drive. Upon successful replication, viruses cause harmful activity on infected hosts such as stealing hard disk space or CPU time.

Worms - A worm is a type of malware which leaves a copy of itself in the memory of each computer in its path.

Trojans - Trojan, non-self-replicating type of malware that contains malicious code which upon execution results in loss or theft of data or possible system harm

Adware  - Adware also known as freeware or pitch-ware is a free computer software that contains commercial advertisements that include games, desktop toolbars and utilities. It is a Web-based app and collects Web browser data to target advertisements especially pop-ups.

Spyware - Spyware is infiltration software that anonymously monitors users which enables a hacker to obtain sensitive information from the user's computer. Spyware exploits users and application vulnerabilities that is quite often attached to free online software downloads or to links that are clicked by users.

Root kit - A rootkit is a software used by a hacker to gain admin level access to a computer/network which is installed through a stolen password or by exploiting a system vulnerability without the victim's knowledge.